LED Array

LED Array

[:en][:en]Also known as Chip-On-Board or COB, which is an incorrect nomenclature as the term “chip” is used for SMDs. Also known more correctly as Die-on-Board or DoB, wherein a PCB, usually a metal-core PCB receives bare die in the packaging process. I/Os are via soldered or mechanically attached wires or screws. The “board” can include as many as 100 die or more. Small format die which are particularly electrically efficient as compared to large 1000 micron die, are utilized in series/parallel formats, commonly with phosphor over-coating held in place via an attached ring-frame. This type of device comes in linear or square formats and is commonly utilized in lighting.[:cn]LED 阵列又称为晶片直接封装 (COB),但由于“晶片”一词系指 SMD,因此此称法并不正确。较为正确的称法为晶粒直接封装 (DoB),亦即通常采铁芯的印刷电路板在封装制程中贴上裸晶。 I/O 采锡焊或机械安装的线路或螺丝,“基板”最多贴装 100 颗以上的晶粒。由于小型晶粒的电效率远高于大型的 1000 微米晶粒,因此会采串联/并联布局,并通常搭配以环圈框架固定的磷保护层。此类型的装置供应线性或方形布局,并常用于照明用途。[:][:]

